Class Mate Grading Software
A New Approach in Gradebook Software! 
Save hours maintaining your classroom grades!

Version release history

Versions 7.7.1-1 (3/08/2008)
Fix: Username bug in password report.
Fix: Screen flashing problem with some video cards.
New: Assignment points now accept fractional values.

Versions 7.6.0-1 (3/08/2008)
New: Search feature to help find Teacher Files (File/Teacher Files/Search)

Versions 7.6.0-0 (11/13/2007)
New: C-Link can now be controlled directly from the gradebook

Versions (08/11/2007)
New: Added student comments to Excel and text exports.
Fix: Problem with selecting the Options button from the reports window in Vista.

Versions (07/21/2007)
New: Search for classes a student is enrolled in ("Students/View Student Database" from the main menu)
Change: The default folder to store teacher files is now "..My Documents/Class Mate Files" instead of the folder the program is installed to ("C:\Program Files\Class Mate"). This is to maintain comparability with Windows Vista and MS Office 2007. If you originally installed an earlier version, the teacher files are not automatically moved, however you can manually move them to this folder if you wish. Make sure you also move he associated folder as well as the teacher file. For example if you move the teacher file "My Classes.tea", also move the folder named "My Classes Files".

Versions (05/05/2007)
New: Curve Class feature
New: Set list font size from main window
New: Specify "W" or "I" letter grades for dropped students

Versions - ( 01/17/2007)
New: Added ability to generate random student PINs as well as passwords. (
New: Option to print category averages on gradebook report. (
New: Sort student and assignments lists by clicking headers in list boxes. (
New: Option to toggle display of names or student IDs on main screen (in "Options" at top right of main screen). (
New: Option to automatically add students to current class when importing students. (
New: Copy assignments to other classes (Assignments/Send to... from main menu). (
New: Import students or scores by pasting from Windows clipboard. (
Fix: T-Scores for assignments were displaying incorrectly in the grades list. (

Version 7.4 R3(11/20/2006)
New: Cosmetic changes.
New: Added warning if NUM LOCK key is not set on when trying to enter grades.
Change: Improved and more flexible main screen resizing.
Change: "F" letter grades are now showing in red on the screen as well as reports.
Change: Student transfer grades are now used when averaging marking periods, and are displayed and reported differently.
Fix: Problem where entering categories would not allow adding up to 100% in some cases.

Version 7.4 R1(9/2/2006)
New: Option to specify folder to save reports
Change: New options added to toolbar on main program screen

Version 7.3 R1(4/4/2006)
New: Support for C-Link upload
Change: "Show Icons in Toolbar" option removed.
Fix: Problem of program shutting down when exporting data on some systems.

Version 7.1 R1(2/6/2005 )
New: Password Report
Change: Window resizing options and behavior for high resolution displays.
Fix: Clicking on a date in the calendar when creating an assignment now updates the assignment due date.

Version 7.0 R2(08/28/2005 )
Change: Length of e-mail address, server, username, and password fields increased to accommodate newer mail server requirements.

Version 7.0 R1(02/08/2005 )
New: Generate and save all reports in pdf format.
New: Password protect all student pdf reports for upload to web. Enter or generate random student passwords.
New: Automatically e-mail or upload pdf reports.
New: Create catalog pdf reports (many individual student reports in one pdf file for reference.)
New: Easy backup and restore via FTP.
New: Report; "Class Standing"
New: We are offering a subscription service for uploading student reports to the web.
New: Student Quick Add feature speeds setting up student. Paste new students into quick add window from Excel.


Version 5.6 (9/28/03)

Release 1 (9/23/03)
New: Option to display student names as Last, First M or First M. Last.
New: Save data files to another folder (File/Save at...)
New: Change default folder location of data files (in Options/Program Set Up)
New: Ability to revert to previous data after a restore.
New: Option to suppress printing of footer on all progress reports.
Change: Letter grades no longer reported for extra credit assignments.
Change: All backups now stored as single file (cmate.bak). Old backups are still supported for restore.
Fix: Notes from another assignment being duplicated when creating a new assignment.
Fix: Letter grade only option working on Progress Summary report.

Version 5.5 (2/5/2003)

Release 5 (9/1/2003)
Minor changes and improvements to class set up section.

Release 2-4 (7/22/03)
New: Import scores from text.
New: Send e-mail to entire class.
Fix: Problems with classes if there are more than 255 students.

Release 1
New: Store and retrieve data files from FTP site
New: Designate remote network folder for automatic or manual transfer of data (directed at administrator module).
New: Administrator module redesigned with additional network features

Version 5.2 (12/29/2002)

Release 3 (1/19/2003)
New: Send and receive backup files via e-mail. (see help files for details)
New: Import students from another Class Mate program.
New: Import students from a text file.

Release 1 & 2
Improve: Major Improvements to the seating chart and student comments features as well as many reports.
Improve: Network support for site license users.
New: Add or delete students to a class without using the Class/Edit screen.
Fix: Problem with calendar view on some systems.
Note: This version compiled with a newer compiler version that improves performance on Windows 2000/XP.

Version 5.1 (First release 6/24/2002)

Release 6 (9/3/2002)
New: Letter grades may be left blank so no letter grade is reported
Fix: Problem saving seating chart if the save button was pressed repeatedly

Release 5 (8/4/2002)
Fix: Problem preventing importing marking periods during class set up.

Release 3 & 4 (7/15/2002)
New: Ability to copy or clone previous classes.
New: Progress report format for multi subject classes.

Release 2.0 (6/24/2002)
New: Standard deviation calculations option on Class Summary report.
Minor changes, improvements and corrections.

Release 1.0
New: Internal SMTP engine. E-mail progress reports without using external e-mail program.

Version 5.0

Release 2.0 (5/6/2002)
New: Calendar View.
Fix: Problem with student comments printing on Progress Summary Report.

Release 1.0 (3/1/2002)