Class Mate Grading Software

Version release history

Version 7.0 (02/08/2005 )
New: Generate and save all reports in PDF format.
New: Password protect all student PDF reports for upload to web. Enter or generate random student passwords.
New: Automatically e-mail or upload PDF reports.
New: Easy backup and restore via FTP.

Version 6.1 Release 1 (10/09/2004)
New: Translation of reports into other languages supported. (Options/Program and Class Options/Reports tab)
New: Control frequency and number of automatic backups. (Options/Program and Class Options/Backup tab)
New: Begin support for web sites.
Change: Data export (Class/Export Data) simplified and improved. All exports now in tab delimited format. Can be opened in Excel.
Change: No grade is reported if a student has only extra credit grades entered.

Version 6.0 Release 4 (9/8/2004)
New: Option to show grade points on reports.
New: Change mean and deviation parameters when computing normalized scores (T-scores).
New: Option to randomize student order on the gradebook report.

Version 6.0 Release 2 & 3: Minor changes and bug fixes.

Version 6.0 Release 1
New: All data is now self contained in a single "teacher file" (.tea). This allows more than one teacher to share a single installation and provides easier network installation in multi user environment. This also improves the portability of data since the teacher file can be copied much like any document file. Backup and Restore (in compressed format) are still supported.

Version 5.81 (12/20/2003)

Release 3
New: Export data to Excel files (requires Excel 2002 or above)
New: Option to limit days on attendance calendar (MWF etc)

Release 1,2
New: Backups now compressed in Windows CAB format for smaller backup files. Backups can be restored using any software supporting CAB files such as WinZip if necessary.
Improve: Error checking for damaged or corrupted data or backup files.

Version 5.8 (11/14/2003)

Release 3 (12/4/2003)
New: Support for SchoolCenter web sites ( )
Improve: Data entry for attendance and conduct grades

Release 2
New: Automatic program updates (Help menu)

Version 5.6 (9/28/03)

Release 1 (9/23/03)
New: Option to display student names as Last, First M or First M. Last.
New: Save data files to another folder (File/Save at...)
New: Change default folder location of data files (in Options/Program Set Up)
New: Ability to revert to previous data after a restore.
New: Option to suppress printing of footer on all progress reports.
Change: Letter grades no longer reported for extra credit assignments.
Change: All backups now stored as single file (cmate.bak). Old backups are still supported for restore.
Fix: Notes from another assignment being duplicated when creating a new assignment.
Fix: Letter grade only option working on Progress Summary report.

Version 5.5 (2/5/2003)

Release 5 (9/1/2003)
Minor changes and improvements to class set up section.

Release 2-4 (7/22/03)
New: Import scores from text.
New: Send e-mail to entire class.
Fix: Problems with classes if there are more than 255 students.

Release 1
New: Store and retrieve data files from FTP site
New: Designate remote network folder for automatic or manual transfer of data (directed at administrator module).
New: Administrator module redesigned with additional network features

Version 5.2 (12/29/2002)

Release 3 (1/19/2003)
New: Send and receive backup files via e-mail. (see help files for details)
New: Import students from another Class Mate program.
New: Import students from a text file.

Release 1 & 2
Improve: Major Improvements to the seating chart and student comments features as well as many reports.
Improve: Network support for site license users.
New: Add or delete students to a class without using the Class/Edit screen.
Fix: Problem with calendar view on some systems.
Note: This version compiled with a newer compiler version that improves performance on Windows 2000/XP.

Version 5.1 (First release 6/24/2002)

Release 6 (9/3/2002)
New: Letter grades may be left blank so no letter grade is reported
Fix: Problem saving seating chart if the save button was pressed repeatedly

Release 5 (8/4/2002)
Fix: Problem preventing importing marking periods during class set up.

Release 3 & 4 (7/15/2002)
New: Ability to copy or clone previous classes.
New: Progress report format for multi subject classes.

Release 2.0 (6/24/2002)
New: Standard deviation calculations option on Class Summary report.
Minor changes, improvements and corrections.

Release 1.0
New: Internal SMTP engine. E-mail progress reports without using external e-mail program.

Version 5.0

Release 2.0 (5/6/2002)
New: Calendar View.
Fix: Problem with student comments printing on Progress Summary Report.

Release 1.0 (3/1/2002)