
Now - Upload your grades and reports to C-Link!  
Publish your grades online...
You can now publish your Class Mate grades and all of the student Class Mate reports on the Internet at our Classroom Connection site, "C-Link". By posting grades and classroom reports online, parents and students can easily access their progress at any time. You can also customize your C-Link site by uploading your own documents (web pages) making it easy for students to access documents like a course syllabus, an upcoming assignments page, etc. Additionally you can designate links from your site to other web sites for your students to access.
Check it out
To see how C-Link site works, you can login to both our sample Student Portal (where students or parents login to see their grades) or the Teacher Portal (where teachers upload grades and content for the Student Portal).
The Student Portal

The Student Portal is where students or parents login to access their grades, Class Mate reports, and any documents the teacher has uploaded for them. Use the following login information to view a sample student portal page:

Teacher id: guest
Username: student
Password: student

Click here to login to the student portal.

The Teacher Portal

The teacher portal is where the teacher goes to upload grades and reports, and to set options for their site. Use the following login information to view a sample teacher portal page:

Username: guest
Password: guest

Click here to login.

C-Link Features

C-Link is easy to use and fast to update! All grades and reports are uploaded in one step. You select which classes and reports to include, and Class Mate generates a single upload file. Login to your teacher portal, upload the file, and your student pages are all updated. You're done!

  • Each teacher account and student account are password protected for security.
  • Student accounts are automatically created when you upload your Class Mate file.
  • Upload grades for all of your classes and all of your reports in one easy step. You could easily include over 100 student reports in a single upload!
  • Upload your own documents for your student to access online. Publish a class syllabus, current topics page, school policies, lesson plans, etc.
  • Designate the documents you upload as for all of your classes or just one particular class. Easily update your documents at any time.
  • Produce your documents with any software capable of saving html files such as Microsoft Word.
  • Each student has a private username and password to view only their data. Change a student password at any time, or optionally allow students to update their own passwords and profiles.
  • Designate and provide links to other relevant web sites from the student pages such as the school web site etc.
  • Access any of your students pages directly from your teacher portal.
  • Designate the "home page" that a student or parent first sees after logging in. This can be a link to another site, a page you upload, or a Class Mate report.
  • Inexpensive! You can provide this service to all of your students and parents for about $2.50 per month.
  • Class Mate Gradebook software.
  • A subscription to our C-Link service hosted at our site. See our order page for details.
  • An Internet connection. (High speed connection is recommended.)